🎉 100% Scholarship for TOP 100 Applicants, 9 SEATS Remaining!


Learn the exact framework that helped 5,000+ freelancers to get their first 10 paid clients

and helped them to start their own freelance journey & grow to 1 LAKH per month and become a part of laptop lifestyle 💻


Reserve a seat before July 31, 2022 to unlock Bonuses worth ₹25,000

How does this FREELANCE Ninja Workshop Works? Have a look...

Live Workshop

2 Hour Long LIVE only mega workshop to unveil all the bonuses (No Recordings)

Swipe Templates & Scripts BONUSES

2 Hour Long LIVE only mega workshop to unveil all the bonuses (No Recordings)

VIP Community

2 Hour Long LIVE only mega workshop to unveil all the bonuses (No Recordings)

What You'll Learn In This Workshop


Who is this workshop for?

Reserve a seat before July 31, 2022 to unlock Bonuses worth ₹25,000

This is an INVITE ONLY Access 🤔

You may be thinking, why invite only access? Isn't this supposed to be for free. Yes you are right but 

We have kept this invite only access because of...

Only Serious People

People who really want to learn about FREELANCING & start earning as soon as possible.

Limited Seats

We only have 100 limited seats and it may be even less by the time you are reading this. So HURRY up!!

Support Our Mentors

We want to support our mentors and to make their time for the workshop worth it!

Just Fill This Form, And
You Are Enrolled In No Time!

after this, we’ll share the link of the workshop + WhatsApp group, to keep you posted!

Note: this workshop is only for serious people & we only accept top 100 applications.

Meet Your Mentor

Sudhanshu Shridhar

Sudhanshu is a Marketer & Brand Strategist who has helped brands like Honor, Dharma Production, OnePlus gain public eyes with the help of strategy-based marketing & social media. He also co-founded his very own marketing agency, Digital Inclined which has helped more than 40+ brands to increase their public reach.

HGX Media & Digital Inclined has worked with clients such as

Have any questions?

You can get all the details related to the timings and dates of the workshop at the top of the page.

This is going to be a LIVE MEGA workshop where you can interact with everyone live.

NO, there will be no recordings provided for this session. This is a complete LIVE INTERACTIVE workshop.

Reserve a seat before July 31, 2022 to unlock Bonuses worth ₹25,000

For any support, please mail to help@harshgogia.com. Our support team will get back to you within 24 hours. The brands and companies that the instructors of HGX Media / Academy are working or have worked, have no relation what so ever with HGX Media

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